Summer, Day 2

Another warm day ... for a while.

When I walked outside this morning to drive Michael to school, I thought to myself how much I love warm mornings. I hate waking up for them, of course, but I love the green and the pleasant air that portends a great day is imminent. I co-oped at school this morning, and while some kids were taking district-mandated tests, I taught others how to play Strat-o-Matic baseball. Hey, it's educational -- there's math and reading and strategy! The kids who played seemed to like it, even though we didn't have time for a full game.

Michael had an orthodontist's appointment, and we took him to lunch before taking him back to school. I returned home to an uneventful afternoon, followed by Ben's soccer practice. After being so hot, and this being kind of an optional practice league-wide (the league doesn't play this Saturday), I had something fun planned for the team: a water fight. I brought several plastic sport bottles for this, but the clouds rolled in, the wind picked up, and only half the team showed. The kids still wanted the water fight, or course, but when Ben and I left for Michael's soccer tryout, he was a little chilly all wet in the gustier winds. He eventually dried off and played at the park with a friend whose brother was also trying out.

The grayer skies somewhat paralleled the moods of Lori and me. We're unsure whether we are going to let Michael play comp soccer if he makes one of the teams. He didn't look as sharp today as he did yesterday, and we did catch him goofing off once with one of his old teammates who he always used to goof off with. The tryout is good experience for him, and we've prepared him that he might not make the team or that he might still just play rec even if he is picked. Here's our dilemma: We want our children to succeed, but committing to so much soccer this young the best decision? Michael admitted he likes basketball and baseball more; if he's playing comp soccer, how much will those sports be curtailed? Not being selected will make our decision easier. He started playing better near the end, but every time we saw him make a good move, the coaches didn't see it. I told him afterward that tryouts are like that: You have to be playing your best all the time so the coaches see your best stuff when they are paying attention. That said, doing the math, he might get picked for the B team. Or my math is fuzzy just because I want him to make the team, even if I'm not sure if I want him to play.

Michael and I left the park to come home under the gray dusk. As I took the last garbage can outside, the cool, cloudy evening also felt good. The rain is coming, maybe tomorrow.

I'm getting so good at cross-linking: Here's Day 3.


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