It's Wednesday!

We took Lori to the airport early this morning. Really early. I picked up McDonald's for the boys at the nearby location, and our order was only screwed up twice. Luckily, I caught the gaffes before leaving. We got home, had breakfast, and I managed 10 more minutes of sleep before getting us all ready for school.

I drove on Michael's field trip to Silver Lake, up Big Cottonwood Canyon. The excursion was fun, the weather was nice, and we were back by 12:30. I drove home and managed a little nap, finished the freelance project I had been working on and took Popcorn on a quick walk before returning to school to get the boys. We lounged a little at home, I made them ravioli for dinner, and Lori and the boys Skyped. We took Popcorn to Petsmart and came home. The boys were in bed by 9. I've been watching TV and finally got my laptop out to blog. I'm planning on going to bed soon.

Another parent in Michael's class called asking if I could possibly sub  as a co-oper tomorrow. I feel bad, because she's sick tonight, but I need a day without school or errands -- a day to get stuff done around the house and take Popcorn on a long hike. And a day to relax, at least before soccer practice and the long weekend ahead. Hopefully, the other mom is feeling better or my conscience shuts down. I need the break.


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