Summer, Day 106

The sun might be bright and the temperature warm, but after spending all day in school, then going to a parent meeting at school in the evening, today felt anything but summer. Maybe that's for the best. This has been a great summer. Time to move on.

I co-oped all day at the boys' school. I'm happy to report I wasn't tired or stressed -- the day was enjoyable. Michael's teacher seemed a little stressed -- her class wasn't listening to her (or the gym teacher for that matter). Michael was, thankfully (luckily). I think the start of the new school year, even though we are two weeks in, combined with the fact it still feels like summer has kids fidgety. They will settle in soon enough.

I got home to discover the soccer league that I coach both boys' teams managed to schedule both openers at almost the same time. I spent awhile trying to figure out how to avoid the conflict and alert all the parents of the new schedule, and afterward, I barely had time to relax before we had to go to the parent meeting.

I'm on the porch tonight, writing and participating in one more fantasy football draft online. Tomorrow is the summer finale according to the calculations I made in May (though somehow, I came up a day short; I repeated a day while on vacation). I'm contemplating what I'm going to do afterward. I've been happy writing each day -- insisting I write each day. Do I continue this through the fall (which, in my book, runs through Thanksgiving)? Or do I just make an effort to recap my daily activities as much as possible without being cemented to an absolute "I must journal my life" approach? The one thing I felt suffered through the summer was posts not related to my daily recaps. I don't know what the answer is yet. I guess I'll decide in two days.

The last day of summer.


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