Spring, Day 1

After blogging summer last year, and after not blogging much this year, I'm trying a new endeavor: Blogging spring. This will only go through about the third week of May, when I jump ahead and officially summer as having begun. My hope is to chronicle the boys' last couple months of third and first grades, baseball and soccer season, my progress toward getting in shape for summer, and the emergence from a winter that sucked.

Unfortunately, my first day of spring was somewhat boring. I woke up with a sore throat and was just tired all day. I don't think it's a cold, but rather, allergies starting to kick in. Nevertheless, the combination of the being under the weather, the weather being cloudy and rainy, and coming off an incredibly busy Tuesday resulted in kind of a lazy day. I made pizza for dinner, and we played board games after we ate. I took the dog for a walk and watched the last half hour of "2010" on TCM.

Spring has sprung. But on Day 1, I wasn't very springy.


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