Spring, days 3-7

Something got in the way of my spring blogging: wintry things.

Over the past five days, we got more intermittent snow and some chilly temps. The weather seemed to finally turn back to more springlike in the past 36 hours, and should be nice for the next several days. Huzzah!

I watched plenty of basketball over these past five days as well, to the point that it got so late I didn't feel like blogging. I can't get enough of the madness, even if it started a little later than normal this year (the Final Four won't begin until April 6).

I took Ben back to the game store Friday, and we tried Ticket to Ride, which was fun. Michael skied for the last time this season that day as well. Saturday was a well-deserved nothing day in which we cleaned, relaxed, and didn't have anyplace we had to be. We went to Mass on Sunday and Ben had his first baseball practice of the season despite a cold breeze (it wasn't so bad once the sun came out). The boys and I went to the Jazz game Monday night. Today, I co-oped at the boys' school and helped with Michael's baseball practice.

That catches me up. Until Spring, Day 8 ...


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