Spring days 45-48

The one thing that drives me a little crazy about May is that you get to it, and suddenly, it's Mother's Day and I'm woefully unprepared. Otherwise, I'm happy that this month is in full swing. Though the multiple sports seasons are wearing on us, I'm in no hurry for May to go by quickly.

The lawn is taunting me. Between my herniated disc and just enough unfavorable weather, I haven't attended to it as much as I had hoped. My goal is new grass to grow where there are weeds now. Likely, sometime in the future, we'll tear up the sad lawn and replace it with new sod. But when we do that, we might as well add sprinklers. But to do that, we need to replace the main line to the house. So for now, it's me and some EZ-Seed, and my fingers crossed.

The days are getting longer -- sunset tonight was 8:30 p.m. Still a little cool to sit outside with the laptop and type. Soon though. Very soon.

The weekend was filled with baseball and soccer again. We're actually halfway through both seasons, but swim practice starts up again next week. Another dad was telling me how his son is loving lacrosse. I think Michael would love it too, but I don't know how we can fit another sport into our year. Ben, with his endless energy, might be perfect for track, but again, not this year.

This was a very random post for a very random Monday. Until tomorrow ...


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