Summer 2013, Day 2

I'm writing this a day late, but Day 2 was so great that it needed its own text rather than me combining it with today. Friday, we threw Ben his birthday party. The Salt Lake City School District didn't have classes yesterday, so the afternoon seemed the perfect time for the party that we didn't start planning until just a couple weeks ago.

Ben is really loving dolphins right now, so the theme was marine. Lori found some ocean decorations for the patio and made dolphin cupcakes, and his friends came ready for water play. We had a couple games planned, but the party soon descended into an endless water fight. I was worried the day wouldn't be warm enough, but it got into the high 70s with little wind and plenty of sunshine, so the kids didn't mind getting soaked or standing in the 20-inch kiddie pool that never seemed to warm up. Ben loved his presents, and his friends loved the party.

Later in the afternoon, we went to a park for a baby shower for a mom of one of the kids at Ben's party. The shower was family-friendly, so the kids (many who were at Ben's party) and dads were welcome, even though we really didn't stick around for the mom/shower stuff. This park hosts baseball games with teams the boys play against, so we watched some makeup games, and Michael and I even played catch -- he's desperately trying to learn to pitch but is struggling getting the ball over the plate.

And that was Day 2. I took Popcorn for a walk when I got home on a pleasant night. This felt like summer. I'm happy it's here.


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