Summer 2013, days 39-42

Hot. So hot.

The air condition conked out Saturday night, and since then, it's only been working sporadically. The AC tech came this morning, and it looked like there was a reason the central air unit was spinning: the condensate pump was so mucky that the stop switch was being activated. For a few hours, the house was cooling again, but we had a warning that the pump might be failing altogether. By the afternoon, it seemingly had failed altogether. I tried everything to get it going again, with no luck. We're just  waiting for the AC guys to come back and replace the pump, which might happen in the next two days, but we're in for a couple more warm nights.

Sunday night, I slept on the couch in front of a fan, with the back door open to get some cool air into the house, but there was none. Monday, I slept downstairs, which wasn't so bad. Tuesday night, with the air not working at all the whole day, the house was a sauna -- we all slept downstairs. Tonight, after the few hours the AC did work helped, we got a fan blowing in cold air into our bedroom, which might be nice and cool tonight. Temps have dropped out of the 100s and back into the 90s, and the nights are cooler.

The days have been uneventful because of the heat. Michael's last all-star game was Monday night, and we went to In 'n Out Burger after. We went to the pool late Tuesday afternoon. Today, the boys had a swim meet. Tomorrow is July 4, and we'll probably spend most of it outside the warm house.

Summer is zipping by, even with the oppressing heat. This AC issue has dampened the whole week. We'll be in Chicago in less than two weeks, and I'm ready to go nuts on summer over these next several days. So let it be hot.


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