Summer 2013, days 43-46

Eek, I have not been a consistent blogger. Here's the big catch-up:

Thursday, July 4 -- The house blessedly cooled off the previous night. OK, not the whole house, but at least our bedroom, in which we had a fan in a window blowing cool air in. A surprise thunderstorm with a bizarre amount of lightning (I thought it was fireworks being blown off -- odd for 2:30 a.m.) rolled through and put an end to the heat. We were in a good mood the next morning for the holiday.

We went to the annual neighborhood parade, and the boys had fun hanging out with their friends. The rain held off the whole day, and we went to the pool later in the afternoon. The pool was surprisingly not that crowded, and we were able to find a shady spot. I grilled sliders, bratwurst, skewered veggies and pineapple for dinner. We walked down to Sugar House Park to see the fireworks, which seemed even shorter this year (only about 20 minutes; I swear in past years, it's been 40). We lit a few sparklers when we got home, then called it a day.

Friday, July 5 -- We got more bad news on the broken air conditioning: What the tech's thought was the problem and fixed wasn't the problem. We need a new motor on the AC unit, so we were in for another weekend without cooling. But temperatures had dropped into the high 80s/low 90s, and more overnight storms helped cool at least our bedroom.

In the evening, we took the boys to see Old Crow Medicine Show at Red Butte Garden. The skies threatened, but the storm didn't roll through until the after the show ended. The concert was great. Ben had a lot of fun dancing, and Michael I think liked it, even if he won't let on that he does.

Saturday, July 6 -- Our house cooled down even more, into the 70s after being in the 90s on Wednesday. Most of the day was overcast, perfect for a more relaxed day that we desperately needed. I mowed the lawn, probably for the last time before vacation. I dragged Michael along to look for old board games at thrift stores and managed to find Styx's "Pieces of Eight" on vinyl for 75 cents. Popcorn was happy that I was finally able to take her for a long walk without the threat of oppressive heat, fireworks or lightning. I finished a big freelance project I was working on and delved deep into an even bigger project.

Sunday, July 7 -- Today. I took Popcorn for our usual Sunday morning hike, then watched some of the Cubs game this afternoon. I'm at work right now, and have been organizing play dates for the boys this week in the spare moments. I can't believe we're already a week into July.

Lori commented that this was a really fun week. At first, I didn't agree. It had been a frustrating week, with the AC on the fritz, a lot of contract work I'm trying to barrel through, and a trapped feeling as if summer was wasting away. But in reality, it was an enormously fun week. Two trips to the pool, a swim meet (that I missed, but the boys enjoyed), In 'n Out Burger after Michael's baseball game, the Fourth of July festivities, and a really fun concert that we attended as a family. The boys got to hang out with their friends all week as well. So why am I bitching? I've said this before -- every day isn't going to be perfect. We survived the AC meltdown and managed to stay cool most of the time. Summer goes by too fast to get unnerved by things out of our control (or even the fact that summer goes by too fast). We're not quite halfway through yet, and the boys still have 45 days until school starts again. Let the days be joyous until then! (And after!)


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