Summer 2015, Day 2

The shock period after the new car yesterday definitely meandered into today. We all drove to the JCC so Ben could do a turn/dive clinic for swim team, Lori could work out, Michael could shoot hoops and I could work, and the short trip felt great just because we got to drive there. Later in the day, we went to Costco -- Lori drove while I set the presets on the radio. Yes, we are definitely enjoying this.

What we aren't enjoying is the continued rain. I wanted to take the dog for a long walk tonight, but after several clear hours, the showers resumed. The best I could get was a walk around the block.

Aside from our excursions, it was a mostly lazy Sunday of recovery. Both boys were exhausted from Friday/Saturday, and though they did collaborate to mow the front lawn, they were content to just hang out.


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