Summer 2015: Day 46

Thunderstorms are rolling into the Salt Lake Valley, but I'm typing on my porch, still dry while it rains just beyond the cover. I don't know how much time I have here before I need to go inside, but the coolness feels nice. Oh, and that was just some lightning, so I better go in soon. After so much heat, this storm will be nice.

I was up nice and early again to take Ben to swim practice. Today was a long day of work for me as I work toward the weekend trip to Vegas with Lori for work, then vacation in Vegas the week after with the family for basketball.  Michael had basketball and the later swim practice, and Ben had yoga. I sat by the outdoor pool during Michael's indoor swim practice, and was so tempted to jump in during the only time it was hot and sunny during the day, but I was on a roll with a work thing I was doing and didn't want to stop. After dinner, I took Popcorn for a quick hike at the H Rock, where we could see lightning from a storm far to the southwest.

Now there's thunder. Time to go inside. Too bad -- the breeze feels so nice.


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