Summer 2015: days 63-65

Life is slowly returning to normal after a week vacation, which proceeded the trip to Vegas that just Lori and I took. Only four weeks until school starts, and I'm embarking on my annual "Get the most out of the remaining summer days" mode.

Michael actually threw up late Friday night -- I think the combination of working so hard all week and a day of driving and non-normal eating finally caught up with him. I slept on the couch so Lori could keep an eye on him in our room. He felt better the next day. I got Popcorn from the pet sitter, but that was pretty much the extent of my activity until the afternoon. We went to friends' house for their daughter's first birthday party and house-cooling party (they are moving to a house down the street), and the boys got to swim and have fun.

Sunday was a little more productive. I got the cars washed and got some advance work stuff planned out for my return to the grind. I also was sucked into a Harry Potter marathon with the boys. Popcorn and I managed a little walk.

Today, work was busy. I seemed to get about a week's worth of tasks assigned for a two-day span. Michael played in a fun 3-on-3 tournament, and we went to Costa Vida for dinner. I got Popcorn out for a longer walk.

And the week continues Tuesday, and work will be just as busy. But the routine will come together, I'm sure.


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