Summer 2015: days 66-71
After hoping the routine would settle down, the remainder of the post-vacation week just got busier and busier. I'm writing this on Sunday night, trying to catch up on the five days previous as well as today. Here it goes:
Only three weeks left before school starts. Summer's going fast ...
- Day 66, Tuesday -- This seemed to be the most stressful day of work I had experienced in a while. The work after vacation was piling up, not so much because I was on vacation, but I think because we had the company retreat in Vegas the week before, and everything was scheduled to be completed right around the day I got back. Michael was playing in his 3-on-3 tournament, so he missed his swim meet, and I didn't get to see Ben swim either. Mike ended up playing four games on two different teams in the tournament, but they lost all four in games at Providence Hall way, way down in Herriman. He had fun though, did better than the night before, and even drained his first competitive three-pointer (a step-back one at that; he almost looked like he had been making those all along. I went for a long walk when we got home, trying to decompress after the rough day.
- Day 67, Wednesday -- Another long work day, mostly composed of writing and editing. But, I wasn't as stressed out at the end of it as I was a day earlier.
- Day 68, Thursday -- Today was Lori's birthday, and we took her to breakfast after Michael's early swim practice. Work, though busy finally seemed to settle down. Michael had four more games in the 3-on-3 tourney, with his team winning twice. Lori and Ben were at a swim team function but got to see MPG's first game at SLCC. Michael and I went to Sonic for dinner afterward, and I came home to spray wasp killer on a couple nests that were forming in our backyard.
- Day 69, Friday -- Errands and work, but thank God it was Friday. We went to Costco. Michael concluded his tournament with three games at SLCC (for two different teams -- he was a fill-in all week when other teams needed him and he wasn't otherwise with his team) and played quite well. Lori picked up pizzas for dinner. I went for a long walk with the dog.
- Day 70, Saturday -- Popcorn needed some fun, so I took her for a long hike at Dog Lake up Millcreek Canyon. No one wanted to come with, so it was just us. In the evening, Lori and I went to the going-away party of a friend/former colleague from the Tribune who is moving to Michigan. We left the boys home alone in the evening for a couple hours for the first time, and they didn't burn the place down.
- Day 71, Sunday (today) -- Happy 18th anniversary to Lori and me! We went to Eggs in the City for breakfast, and then it was mostly a house day. I pulled some vines/weeds from the back of the backyard, and a brief thunderstorm rolled through. I had bought an Intellivision Flashback a few weeks that I finally opened and played with the boys, and I grilled pork chops for dinner. Popcorn and I went for a walk. And now I'm out on the porch, hearing the crickets chirp as I type.
Only three weeks left before school starts. Summer's going fast ...