Summer 2015: days 72-78

I did it again -- went a whole week without posting. This week was almost as tiring as the last, and I never felt like writing any night after the long days. Things settle down this week -- swim season ended, and work doesn't look so crazy post-vacation. Here's the recap; let's see what I remember ...
  • Day 72, Monday -- I actually slept in, as Lori took Ben to swim practice so she could work out, too.
  • Day 73, Tuesday -- Same as yesterday, I got to sleep in, but still seemed tired all day. Got the boys Taco Bell for lunch after Michael's basketball practice.
  • Day 74, Wednesday -- A cloudy, rainy day. Wendy's was for lunch today -- this trend was more for me being to lazy to make something. Ben had yoga and I worked from a nearby coffee shop. Michael had swim practice, and while Ben swam in the outdoor pool with friends, I worked under a canopy once it started raining (which didn't faze Ben).
  • Day 75, Thursday -- I can attest that even though the last three days were uneventful, they were still busy. So by Thursday, I was already a little tired. The boys had the first day of their conference swim meet, but we were also seeing Michael Franti that night at Red Butte Garden. I waited in line to get us a good seat on the lawn, while Lori took them to the swim meet and hustled them over. Every time I do this, I'm amazed how fast the afternoon goes. I worked for five hours or so under the SportBrella, and made some friends who also shared the shade (and gave me a beer!). The concert was incredibly fun -- this has become a summer ritual for us, and it never disappoints.
  • Day 76, Friday -- Here was the confluence for this day: Work, the second day of the conference swim meet, and my sister Jenny and her family coming into town. We weren't able to see my brother-in-law's show (two concerts in two days would have been fun), but Jenny and her kids stayed overnight while he took their RV to the next show in Wyoming. The boys swam some great races to cap a great meet, and their team won the conference. We picked up In 'n' Out for a late dinner.
  • Day 77, Saturday -- We enjoyed a fun day with my sister and nephews. I took them on a short hike to the H Rock, then we spent a few hours at a friend's house swimming and trampolining (well, the kids trampolined ...). I picked up Vietnamese for dinner, then sat on the porch and drank a beer with Jenny. They were leaving by train in the wee hours, going to Denver to meet up with Konrad, and I took them to the station.
  • Day 78, Sunday -- So naturally, I was tired this morning, and it took awhile for me to be functional. I took Popcorn on a hike up Rattlesnake Gulch. She hadn't had much exercise all week, between everything we had going and the rain, so she needed the activity, as did I. When we got home, I watched the Cubs win for the 10th time in 11 games, then grilled some Hawaiian-style beef for dinner. After Skyping with my dad and stepmom, Ben and I went to the nearby Shell to get an ice cream. He rode is bike while I walked, and we sat in some chairs at the nearby Snow Shack (closed on Sundays) and ate our ice cream while dusk began to settle in.
I'm sitting outside and the crickets are chirping, and the odd thing is, the little excursion with Ben might have been the best part of a week that was generally pretty awesome. That moment, followed up by the chirping, felt the most summery. Just two weeks until the boys start school again ...


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