Summer 2017: Day 1

The annual summer blogging tradition begins anew ...

Honestly, I've been a little slow to begin the summer blogging again. In past years, I couldn't wait to pick a day in May, say it was summer, and dive in. This year, I helped chaperone Ben's class trip to the Teton Science School and experienced quite a cold snap (the entire mountain region did). I was going to start when we got back, but it just didn't feel right.

Today felt right.

Temperatures reached the 80s and our house is beginning to heat up. A shower grazed our side of the valley, and the gray skies screamed summer rainstorm. I'm sitting out on the porch at 11 p.m. without a sweatshirt. And Memorial Day approaches.

Let summer begin!

I'm counting 106 days from now until the Wednesday after Labor Day, when I officially call summer. So what happened on Day 1? Not a whole lot. I worked on the porch for some of it. Ben was at a swim meet with Lori, so I was Michael's chauffeur from school, to swim practice, and to basketball practice. The Westminster gym was a sauna, so I worked outside in the cloudy breeze. Took Popcorn for about a half-hour walk. And now I'm typing. When I conclude, I'm putting the headphones on and will listen to some music in the pleasant night air.

Until tomorrow ...


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