Summer 2017: Day 2

Two kids, two different places to be. One parent for each, missing the other kid's event.

This is a situation Lori and I know all too well. Today, it was me taking Ben to a swim meet in Kearns and Lori taking Michael to school to help with the eighth-grade graduation dance.

The boys' school is a K-8, and it's a tradition for the seventh-graders to organize and execute the graduation dance. Many of the parents volunteered to help as well, so Lori was at the school all afternoon, came home for a little bit, then returned to chaperone and help take everything down. The theme was 1950s' sock hop, and Michael was a soda jerk. He never actually came home from school today, and he was exhausted by the end of the night.

Ben's swim meet went well, though it was long as well. He swam three races, doing well in the 100 fly and the 200 freestyle and just OK in the 100 back (normally his best event). I got some work done in the long spaces in between, and we finally got home around 9:45 p.m.

The long Memorial Day weekend is up next. I think we are all going to sleep late tomorrow.


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