Coronavirus Chronicles: Easter

Except for a few years, our Easters in Utah have been a family-only day. In that way Easter 2020 wasn't much different than any other year.

Of course, the reality is vastly different -- there's a pandemic in progress, something that has been impossible to not think about. Here on Day 30, I'm becoming more and more convinced there will be a Day 75 and that these posts will overlap my annual summer blog posts. And when things start to normalize, I don't foresee going from social distancing to social butterfly in an instant. The virus is still out there, and until there's a vaccine or it truly fizzles out, I likely will still be wearing a mask and keeping 6 feet away as much as possible.

Yet today, the pandemic didn't change a thing. Lori made a delicious Easter meal -- ham, rolls, and broccoli cruton cheese casserole. We watched "Lethal Weapon" and "Onward" (and I also watched "Goldfinger"). Michael and I walked the dog for about three miles; Ben and I played two games of Splendor in the evening.

The weather is supposed to be chilly all week, which is kind of par for the course for Salt Lake City in April. But the week should be painless, helped out by the fact I'm taking Thursday and Friday off and will enjoy my first long weekend since Thanksgiving.

Kicking these next seven days off with a holiday that was family-exclusive will make it all the better -- and maybe the pandemic will be a little less dominant in my psyche. The crisis may be inescapable, but it hopefully will be a little less constricting.


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