Summer 2020: Days 73-74

The heat subsided a little these past two days, and the staycation was productive.

Yesterday was uneventful and unproductive for most of the day, until the evening when the boys and I went to the Redwood Drive-In to see "Goonies" and "Gremlins." The boys had never been to a drive-in, and I'm guessing 30 years, at least, have passed since I've seen been to one as well. We packed candy, popcorn, and soda, found a somewhat decent place to park (I think I could have moved in a little closer), tuned into the audio on a portable radio I brought, and watched the two '80s classics. Michael was tired from work and fell asleep during "Gremlins," but Ben and I stayed awake for both movies and watched from hatch of our RAV4. The theater wasn't too crowded (and was socially distanced anyway), so the experience was generally quiet.

This morning, we slept in a little, but got out of the house by 10:30 and drove south the Nebo Loop -- a scenic byway in Utah and Juab counties. We have never driven this route before, and it was impressive, though it's probably spectacular in the fall. The boys and took two quick hikes to a waterfall and the hoodoos at Devil's Kitchen, and we stopped and several overlooks along the way and snapped pictures. Upon driving home, Lori ordered Sugar House Barbecue for dinner, and I watched "Bugsy Malone" on Amazon.

I'm waiting a few minutes before getting the dog out for a walk. More adventure awaits tomorrow!


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