Summer 2020: Days 81-84

My first week back after vacation went fast but was also slow.

From a work standpoint, I felt unproductive and a bit unfocused. I wasn't in space, but I just never found a groove. Maybe next week will be better.

Ben started high school today! Last night, however, he couldn't turn his brain off, and I stayed up with him until 2 a.m. trying to calm him down. That didn't help my energy/productivity level today, but at least I'll have the weekend to recover.

His orientation went well -- I knew adrenaline would fuel him even if he was operating on only five hours of sleep. We dropped him off in front of the school, where the cheerleaders lined the sidewalk to the entrance to welcome the freshmen. I shouted out "Go get 'em, Gillespie!" to which he returned a "Dad ..." followed by something I couldn't hear but the cheerleaders did and chuckled.

Lori, Michael, and I went to Blue Plate Diner for an alfresco breakfast afterward. Mike played two basketball games in a tournament that Lori took him to (I'll see his games tomorrow). I drove Ben to swim practice and went to Smth's to stock up on sparkling water and toaster pastries. Popcorn and I went for a walk in the evening.

The rest of the week wasn't much more exciting. Ben and I walked to get sno-cones last night in advance of his first day of school. The dog is enjoying getting out for walks again, though she still has a bit of weird gait. I'm watering the lawn only every other night, resigned that it's not growing anymore in this heat, and the moisture is just so it doesn't get too crispy.

I'm happy the weekend is here. And I'm going to sleep soundly tonight.


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