Summer 2021: Day 4

After a productive Saturday and Sunday, I didn't quite feel in the mood to get a lot done on Memorial Day.

I did run this morning, which felt great, and Ben and I went walked the dog in the evening. Dinner was cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and drumsticks on the grill, which was just fantastic. I always connect Memorial Day with generic cream soda -- I have a memory of drinking it at my Grandma Elsie's house for the holiday barbecue when I was a kid -- and I had a 12-pack of it in the basement to enjoy while I'm grilling. However, Michael drank all my sodas, so I was stuck with a beer (a Red Rooster Blackberry Cream Ale).

The rest of the day I relaxed. Although I missed my soda, I did sit on the porch writing while enjoying a Dad's Root Beer. I also took a short nap in the afternoon, and played a game of Strat-o-Matic baseball in the evening. And I didn't even think about working, even just a little bit.

This was a nice start to the "official" summer season. Let's hope it doesn't fly by.


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