May away

I've previously written about how May is my favorite month, with plenty of memories of Mays past. I've also written, perhaps ad nauseam, about how time is zipping by far too quickly.

Welcome to May 2021 -- my favorite month that lasted about four days.

I was running yesterday morning out in the suburbs, continuing a weekend trend in which Ben swims and I also exercise. Except, it hadn't been much of the trend, because even though I felt like I had just run this route, four weeks had actually passed since I had.

The time warp gets a little crazier. Michael and I took a Saturday morning/afternoon to scour the region for used video games. He has a membership to a used video game store that also has a location in Orem (about 40 miles south), and we took our time by finding yard sales and stopping at thrift stores, before finally making it to Utah County. Michael hit a bonanza that day, and we had a lot of fun. Did we just do that? I thought we did, but it was three weeks ago.

Ben played in an Ultimate Frisbee tournament that took most of the day on a Saturday. The schedule included a long gap, so he hung out with his team while I drove to a Smith's and a thrift store in Davis County. I bought some RC in two-liter bottles, went through a McDonald's drive-through, and returned to watch the rest of the tournament. That was two weeks ago, even though it felt like a few days ago.

Ben's swim team also had its first meet of the season, for which we volunteered, just recently, but not as super recently as it seemed, but nine days ago. That meet was in Ogden, as was a practice that I drove him up for and then napped in the car in a bit of crazy wind ... that was five weeks ago and the same day as Michael's prom that I'm still telling people about as if it was yesterday. 

Something with my clock went berserk that May flew by so fast. Each week, I could hardly believe when Thursday arrived and I wondered what happened to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Work has been busy, and I have been pushing getting things finished up into the evening (which sucks) -- I wonder if that has interfered with my time perception. 

Did I enjoy May? I think so, possibly, kind of ... I'm not sure. Even though I ran outside and enjoyed good weather at times, as well as listened to music that reminded me of this month, I don't believe I ever took some moments to appreciate it. That's not unique to this May, but yeek, May 2021 took that to another level. Although I'm not flustered by that or feel like I totally missed out, I am a smidge disappointed we're about to start June and it just felt like April.

That said, I'm working outside again, which has provided a huge mental boost. The evenings are wonderfully long and the sunsets fantastic, and the mornings are sunny and crisp. Maybe May did deliver the transition I needed -- it just didn't have to be so sudden.


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