Summer 2021: Day 34; Midwest Vacation: Day 3

This jam-packed vacation day started early with wildlife. I got out the door at my in-laws' duplex to run on the trail that connects Three Lakes and Eagle River. My plan was to run/walk out for a half-hour or so and return. On the way back, about 100 yards ahead of me on the trail, two midsized, probably juvenile bears popped out of the woods and onto the trail. When I realized what I was seeing, I stopped and began to walk in the other direction, keep my head turned toward the bears. One trotted for two seconds, at which time I thought I was in deep bear s--t. I began to contemplate how to jump through about 10 feet of brush to the highway, but the bears lost interest and returned to the woods. I called Lori and then saw a runner go through the same spot where the bears were. When he caught up to me, he hadn't seen them running by. I cut over to the highway and returned on the other side of the road. I had stopped maybe a minute to take a picture of some perched eagles -- if ...