Summer 2021: Days 7-10

When I write for work late into the evening -- perhaps after a busy day or a pressing deadline -- I don't blog. And the funny thing is, I tend to lose my will to write for a couple days after a work slog.

On Thursday, I wrote to 11 p.m. I was writing all day Friday, too, and even though I finished before dinner, I wasn't in the mood to blog. Last night was the culmination of a busy Saturday and I was talking with my friends late in our weekly virtual happy hour. Tonight, I'm finally catching up.

The heat has been crazy the last four days for early June in Salt Lake City -- temperatures have been in the high 90s. I've been running in the morning, which has been nice. Working outside has been somewhat bearable, although I did pour a few buckets of water over my head Thursday to cool off (which is fun to do during the workday, but the hose water hasn't caught up to late summer and is cold, cold, cold).

So I need to recap the last four days. I'm just going to hit the highlights:

  • Ben got his second vaccine Thursday at Walgreens. He felt a little weird on Friday and missed swim practice but otherwise has felt fine.
  • I weird storm fired up just near the mountains by us Saturday. It didn't rain too much but we were treated to a gorgeous rainbow that looked as if it was coming out of the mountain.
  • Ben and I went to yard sales Saturday morning. Michael wanted to go a video game store in Layton in the afternoon, after which we picked Ben up from swim practice and went to Lucky's Iron Door for an early dinner.
  • Michael's basketball banquet was held today in his high school's gym. He earned academic honors for carrying a GPA higher than 3.5 during the season.
  • I helped Michael put the bike rack on the Corolla today.

So maybe the last four days weren't that exciting. Hanging out with the boys was nice, though. The weekend definitely went too fast. My goal for the upcoming week is to not be working past 6 on any day -- and to write for myself every day.


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