Summer 2021: Days 14-21

Heat. So much heat.

Two days ago, the temperature in Salt Lake City reached 107 degrees. That tied the all-time high, and the previous records weren't anytime near June 15. 

The heat has been going strong now for a week. Ben and I went to the pool Sunday and I got my first sunburn of the year. I've been dousing myself in the backyard with buckets of water, which have helped chill me a little. The air conditioning isn't getting the house cooled down as we want it to, which isn't a new problem in our old house, but we've never had to worry about that in June.

The best we can do is continue swimming, self-dunking, and running the AC. I took the dog for her longest walk in a week tonight, and she looks worn out (running around with other dogs at the park didn't help) but happy. 

Ben has a swim meet this week, and I timed his 1,500 last night. He swam OK, and we picked up Barbacoa for dinner after. I was exhausted by the time I was finished eating and took the dog on a small walk, to the point I went to bed early. Nine hours later, I was well rested, and even though I didn't run, I had energy all day.

My Aunt JoAnn died Sunday morning, a little bit suddenly. Lori's Aunt JoAnn visited us in her Winnebago van over the weekend.

I wrote a lot for work again, all week.

I'm sure more has happened, but the heat is overwhelming everything. I'm outside writing and I'm still sweating, even though it's 10:22 p.m. I love summer, but I could use a few days in the 80s.


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