I'm older now but still running against the wind

In March 2015, Ben and I saw Bob Seger in concert. Less than a week had passed after my grandmother died, and the show was on a Friday night when my sister Megan was visiting, and then my dad and stepmom were in town. Michael's club basketball team won its league the next day. I was about two months into my new job after freelancing for the company for two years beforehand.

"Against the Wind" is my favorite Bob Seger song, going way back to when I was a kid. That month, I wrote about how it resonated with me. It came up on a playlist tonight, and that lyric that I made the title of this post really slammed into my brain. 

Today wasn't great. I won't get into details, but I smacked up into the tug-of-war of everything I've achieved and every goal that I haven't come close to accomplishing. I was reminded of the years rolling past as well as all that is great with my life. I struggle with the conflict among what's been earned, what's deserved, and what I want and don't want -- even when what I want and don't want are sometimes the same. I realized again that after three decades, there's a little bit of an endgame career strategy that's not as far away as it once seemed.

There's discouragement and confusion and annoyance and fatigue. There's a sense that maybe I should cruise instead of throttle sometimes, while other times I'm not throttling enough. But, there's also much satisfaction, pride, achievement, and excellence. 

I know I just poured out the cryptic metaphors a little thick, but maybe the bottom line is, how do you measure success against failure and vice versa? I've enjoyed so much success over the past 30 years, and I've experienced failure. Unfortunately, the failure can overshadow the success. I was a sports journalist for 23 years, but I never reached the peak I envisioned when I was fresh out of college. Outside of my professional career, I've managed to occasionally write and hit a few apexes, but I can't shake all the grand ideas that I never completed -- or even started.

Today, I couldn't tell the difference between success and failure. I'm guessing that fog will pass in a few days, but for tonight, I needed to write it out.

Back in 2015, I struggled with the new job. My role eventually changed, and the sailing has been mostly smooth since. But in some ways, I didn't change. What I think I need sometimes conflicts with what I think I want. The two sides struggle to reach the middle ground -- and it's been like that seemingly since I can remember.

And that's why "Against the Wind" floored me tonight. The struggle is always there, and even at 50, you have to lower your head, dig deep, and run through it.


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