Summer 2021: Days 79-80

Not surprisingly, this weekend went by too fast without seemingly too much to show for it. Lori and I did big Costco yesterday in advance of the school year starting Monday. We managed to not spend as much as we thought we might, and getting the trip out of the way gave us the rest of Saturday. But we were tired. I completed the weekend shopping at Walmart and Macey's, then came home lounged in the hot sun in the backyard for a couple hours, For dinner, I grilled burgers, then took the dog on a short walk.

A huge wildfire broke out in Parely's Canyon, and the smoke hung thick over the Salt Lake Valley on Sunday. I stayed inside most of the day and worked a few hours to get a jump on the week. Popcorn got only a short walk tonight.

And, oh, I'm still seething. Maybe a good night of sleep will help.


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