
I may be in the worst writing rut in a long time.

I've been in these zombie ruts before, when I'm not necessarily feeling un-creative, but simply have no will to write. What's different with this one is that usually, I get to summer and feel inspired. I've blogged many summers, tracking day to day (at least as close as I can get to day to day) in an effort to not take for granted my favorite season.

This year, however, it's already mid-June and I haven't recorded a single day. Summer has been uneventful so far, but even uneventful used to be worthwhile. In 2023, I'm just blah.

I'm not sure what snaps me out of this. Summer solstice? Upcoming trip to Denver? Fourth of July? Upcoming trip to California (which isn't until late July)? Maybe I'll hear a song that will get me into the summer writing groove. Or perhaps, just my first day of sunny lounging in the back yard or by a pool will provide inspiration. There is so much past summer I want to blog, and I don't want to let this one go undefined. But going for what you want is difficult when the fire is lacking.

The finny thing is, I'm not sure why the fire isn't there. Even though the kidney stone was weeks ago, I still don't feel quite back in sync. So, the zombie rut continues, but I have hope. Technically, zombies are already dead, whereas I just feel dormant. Maybe just writing this blog complaining how I have no energy to write is enough to begin chasing away the zombie.


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