Batting averages, part 4

(Part 4 of this series got away from me a little bit -- my last post was almost two weeks ago. Click for Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 and an old post detailing my baseball season of 1980.) I started collecting baseball cards when I was 6. We had just moved into a new neighborhood, and my new friends collected them, so I naturally followed along. I pored over each card, reading the players' stats and the fun facts on the back of each one. In 1980, I probably came closest to a complete collection than I ever did in my youth. The 1980 Topps cards looked good. Though some debate exists whether action shots make the best baseball cards, this set might have had the best photos -- very few of them posed -- in the four years I had been collecting. The back of the cards included a cartoonish fun fact for every player. With it being 1980, it was simple to deduce the age of the player from his date of birth. This summer, I really started liking the Brewers. The Cubs were still my favo...