A chill is in the air

The warm weather of the past several days in Utah was too good to last.

April is an unpredictable month in Salt Lake City as far as weather is concerned.It can be warm one day, cold the next. But this April, it's been mostly warm. Warm enough to put leaves on all the trees a couple weeks early. Warm enough to confuse our spring perennials. Warm enough to feel like summer had arrived.

Alas, it was too good to last. When a front moves through in April, the temperature just doesn't drop a little, it plummets with the accompanying rain. That's what happened over the last 30 hours -- the wind picked up, the rain poured for hours, the temperature dropped. Though the rain stopped, I felt underdressed outside all day, even with a sweatshirt. I was watching Michael's soccer practice, decided I had enough with the breezy chill, and retreated to the car for a half hour.

Temperatures are supposed to climb slowly over the next few days to at least be seasonal. Taking the good with the bad is the key to surviving April. And May is almost here.


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