Party pavilion

Lori chairs a committee at the boys' school, and tonight she hosted her committee at our house. I'm glad she volunteered for them to meet here, because it drove me to get our patio in order for the coming spring and summer months.

Our patio, which I affectionately refer to as our "party pavilion," took a little bit of a beating over the winter, starting with the crazy windstorm that blew threw last December. I moved everything out of the patio, hosed the furniture down, swept out all the dirt, straightened out all the toys and returned everything to their rightful places. And it was worth it. Lori's meeting was a success, and though we need to find a solution to the bright sunset coming through from the west (the windstorm all but destroyed the long shade that shielded the sun), we are looking forward to entertaining out here all summer. We say we are going to do this every year, and we do manage one or two gatherings. This year, we want to utilize our party pavilion to the fullest.

And our patio isn't just for guests, but for us. Eating dinner out here is usually a joy. Tonight, I'm typing this post from the patio, with the patio lights shining just enough to be pleasant but not bright. I'm finishing off the bottle of wine opened at the committee meeting, listening to a baseball game off the MLB app on my phone, and enjoying the unusually warm April night. We have lived in this house for almost nine years, and despite my battles with the lawn and the weeds, the outside feels just as much home as the inside. Especially tonight.


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