Simply a good day

Spring break last week was more tiring than I thought it would be. On Saturday, after going for a run with Popcorn at Liberty Park, I felt like hell -- the little coughy thing the boys had been battling settled into my throat and lungs, and I was stuffier than I realized. Combined with my asthma and a run through a blooming park, and I wasn't breathing well. I went to bed that night at 9 p.m. Yesterday, we didn't do much on Easter before I went to work.

Today, however, was simply a good day.

I got a much-needed haircut. I ate healthier than I usually do. I got a lot of yardwork done, preparing the front lawn for another reseeding that every spring I'm optimistic about (and every July I'm resigned that it didn't work). The boys helped me get some stuff for the lawn at Home Depot. Made some good mac and cheese (using some extra whole milk we had in our fridge and real butter) to go along with leftover ham for dinner. Sat outside in the gorgeous evening as the boys got a little more playtime in before bed time. Took Popcorn for a walk of about 2 miles or so.

OK, the day wasn't perfect, but after the tiring and uneventful weekend, it was just what I needed. Here's hoping Tuesday is just as good.


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