
(After 11 of these monthly reflections, I finally have arrived to the last one, and just in the nick of time before May. It's been a good year.)

April is so confused. Gray, cold and rainy one day; blue, sunny and clear the next. But this schizophrenia isn't just the weather. Summer looms, but we can't stop thinking about the months previous. The year drags on, yet we can't stop thinking about the warmth that lies ahead.

But April has a clear payoff -- get through this month, and you're rewarded with the best days of the year. The blooming is coming. April demands patience.

April is baseball. And basketball. And hockey. And football (via the NFL Draft). And soccer. It's the one month we seem to get every sport. Playoffs are starting. The joyous slog through six months of baseball (less joyous for Cubs fans by August) begins with green grass and perfect spring days ... if it's not raining (or snowing).

 April is "Let's Hear It for The Boy" by Deniece Williams and "Come on Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners. It's Cadbury Eggs and jellybeans. It's real grass and fake plastic grass. It's too many reruns before sweeps month, and barely any memorable movies before the summer blockbusters are released "Flashdance" is a big exception).

April is annoying and wonderful at the same time. It's a welcome transition that needs to be just endured. Almost there ...


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