Spring, Day 15

Today was technically spring, but it felt so much more like summer.

We are still in St. George, and as predicted, we spent much of the day by the pool. Some good friends also visiting St. George came over in the morning, and the four boys swam for a couple hours. After lunch and a trip to Kohl's, we returned to the hotel, and though I was kind of pushing to go for a hike, we ended up back by the pool for a couple more hours. The skies were clear and sunny, the temperature was near 80, and my deck chair was aimed squarely at the sun. The boys had a blast all day, and I was happy the pool wasn't cold.

For lunch, we went to a Thai restaurant we discovered a couple years ago. St. George, unfortunately, is loaded with chain restaurants, and Lori and I wanted to go someplace different. The boys initially complained a little but otherwise settled in to the choice. I was proud of them today. Michael discovered he likes sushi -- avocado rolls, specifically. Ben tried sushi (a veggie roll) and ate his rice noodles eagerly. Both tried the tofu veggie soup and ate a little. Both used chopsticks as best as they could and ate edamame. I felt very fortunate that we have kids who may drive us crazy sometimes but aren't completely against trying new things. I know some families that would never attempt Thai with their kids. Lori and I are lucky that we don't have to fret about that.

For dinner, we found an Mexican restaurant that was just OK. It wasn't disappointing, but it wasn't mind-blowing either. We drove in through the warm evening, listening to satellite radio in the rental car and singing along to Edgar Winter's "Free Ride," to get frozen yogurt. We drive back tomorrow. It's been a good little trip.


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