Spring, days 36-38

The the past three days have gotten sunnier and warmer each today. The leaves are ready to burst on our linden and are already starting to pop on the maple. I took the hoses out, figuring we won't get another freeze.Although we are bound to get at least one more miserable stretch of cool, wet weather, I think we're past the worst of it.

These have been three busy days. Ben had two baseball games, Michael had a game tonight, soccer, swimming, and all the usual stuff we cram into every week. Michael's team won 11-5 tonight (4-0 this season!), and he went 1-for-2 with and RBI and a rite of passage for young baseball players: He got hit by a pitch for the first time. He started crying after the ball hit him in the right wrist, but only for a little bit before toughing it out and going to first base.Of course, we had to get frozen yogurt after the game.

I went in to the newspaper for a few hours this morning and was perfectly positioned to meet Lori for lunch. We went to Toasters and talked about school and work. I wish we did this more often while the boys in school -- once a week would be great. My busted disc sending pain down my left leg was killing me today but felt all right during Michael's game. I managed to get the dog out for two walks, but I still feel flabby after not being to exercise as much since getting hurt.

Saturday is supposed to be even warmer and sunnier. This is what I had been waiting for.


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