Summer 2014, Day 1

Starting today, this Saturday (OK, it's after midnight here, but the new day never starts for me until the next morning), is what I'm declaring the first day of summer. I'm a little late to the party on this, but by my accounts, there will be 102 days I consider summer (before the opening of the NFL season). My goal this summer, as is every summer, is to make every one of those 102 days memorable, and to write all about it.

I haven't been writing much at all here this year -- the freelance writing I've been working on so furiously has diverted much of my creative focus -- but summer is different. Here's Day 1. To follow will be 101 more.

We threw Ben's birthday party today at the house. We were planning to let the kids have a huge water fight as they did last year, but we woke up this morning to rain. It hadn't rained in two weeks, but here it was, a rainy Saturday morning. Every Memorial Day weekend, we seem to get one or two days like this -- kind of spring's last stand before summer. Lori and I started making contingency plans for hosting 15 kids inside the house, as it seemed too cold for water play outside. The guests started arriving, we started crossing our fingers that all would go well inside, and then, the rain stopped. Some kids were dressed for a water fight, so I began to fill up the kiddie pool (which I would have done in the morning so the water wouldn't be so cold). The kids went outside, armed themselves with squirt guns ... and the sun came out. The original party plan, though amended (we didn't fill up a couple hundred water balloons during the rainy morning), was a success. Ben and his friends had a lot of fun.

Lori and I were exhausted the rest of the day but managed to clean up and make dinner (sliders, fries, salad). We all played Mayhem after dinner, and Ben and I played Dominion before I took the dog for a walk. We still haven't turned the air conditioning on yet, but summer has begun.


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