Summer 2014, Day 2

I bought a new pair of hiking boots a couple days ago. I had received an REI gift card for helping coach Michael's basketball team, we had our REI dividend, and I had a coupon for 20 percent off one item. All three together resulted in a super cheap pair of nice trail boots perfect for the day hikes I take with the dog.

I can never convince the boys to go with me on many hikes, and I thought today would be no exception, but Ben agreed to join Popcorn and me. We drove up Millcreek Canyon to Rattlesnake Gulch, then hiked to the Pipeline Trail to the Salt Lake Valley overlook. From there we kept climbing up to what we thought was a peak, but we got to the top and looked over to see more ridge leading to another higher peak. We turned back there, but not after our legs were burning and the dog was worn out.

As we hiked down the mountain, with Ben ambling in front of me, I couldn't help but think what a special moment this was. There's really only a finite number of these, no matter how many adventures and everyday experiences we share. The rest of the day was uneventful, but yet, it was still a great day.

There's a line from an old Counting Crows song that sometimes I invoke in my head when I'm doing things with the family:

I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.
 And, fittingly, it was one more day up in the canyon.


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