Summer 2014, Day 6

The last soccer practices of the season were tonight. Soccer ends, summer begins.

I have enjoyed coaching soccer this year, but I'm ready for it to be done. I'm going to coach Ben's team again next fall but not Michael's. Two teams are simply too much, and I'm trying to dial back on the coaching and just enjoy my kids playing their sports (I probably won't help with baseball again next spring, but you never know).

In the afternoon, I accompanied Ben's class on a short field trip to Memory Grove Park near their school for a picnic. It's next to the capitol, but this year, we didn't visit and just hiked back to school. Tomorrow is another field trip -- I love being able to help out as the school year winds down (last week, I went with Michael's class on a train trip to Ogden).

The dog and I went for a very long walk tonight. It felt good -- I needed the exercise. And I love these summer nights.


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