Summer 2014, Day 14

Michael's last baseball game of the season was tonight. The Giants had reached the championship game and were playing a team that was undefeated. Even as an assistant coach I was antsy about this game for a couple days. We had played the Sharks tough the last time, and I wanted our kids to not get blown out in the last game of the year.

The Giants didn't win. But, oh, we were so close. We lost 7-6, giving the Sharks their toughest game of the year after we probably gave them their previous toughest in the other loss. We actually led 6-5 at one point -- which was the first time the Sharks had trailed outside the top of the first inning all season -- but a bad bounce here, a unfortunate dribbler there, and we lost by one run. Michael contributed to making this game close, doubling in two runs and stealing home. The Giants finished 12-4 for second place -- an amazing achievement in a 12-team league.

One more baseball game to go: Ben's last game is tomorrow. There's nothing on the line here, just a chance to play one more time.


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