Summer 2014, days 24-27: The Cooldown

Well, it had to happen: I missed a few days blogging. These four days appropriately coincided with a cold spell that swept through Salt Lake City. On Tuesday night, it was in the low 40s; the upper elevations even got snow. You don't usually see the peaks with a dusting in mid-June, but there they were. The cold and rain blew into town Monday, got really miserable on Tuesday, lost the rain on Wednesday, and finally warmed up near a pleasant 70 degrees on Thursday. SLC seems to get one cold snap between Memorial Day and mid-June before the heat really sets in. Sure enough, temps are supposed to hit the high 90s next week.

The week has been sort of busy and sort of uneventful at the same time. Michael is going to a different basketball camp this week in the morning. Ben and I hit a comic book store Monday, and his head almost exploded (needless to say, he enjoyed the trip). I ran errands with both kids on separate days -- we somehow arrived at Walmart both trips. The boys had a swim meet Wednesday night in the chill; they swam well despite the weather. I've been putzing with the new iPad all week and ran Tuesday and Thursday. We've watched a lot of World Cup soccer.

Those are the highlights. I'm already feeling like summer is going too fast and I'm not getting the boys enough playdates and trips to the pool/waterpark. Of course they are swimming every day, and Michael hung out with his best friend all week between basketball camp and home. The weekend will calm down considerably and hopefully give me a chance to truly breathe in the summer. After the cooldown, that should be an easy task..


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