Summer 2014, Day 9

With all the sports yesterday and the busy week we endured, I wanted Sunday to be a day of recuperation of sorts. It started out that way when I slept until 9:30. Then came Costco.

We needed a big trip to Costco to stock up for what is shaping up to be a very active summer. Lori was just going to make the excursion herself, but I offered to join her and let the boys stay at home, but then we decided to take two cars (to gas both up for the week) and the whole family. To paraphrase a line from "The Brady Bunch Movie:" Put on your Sunday best, kids, we're going to Costco!

A loaded Outback later, we returned home for the long process of unloading, sorting and putting away all the groceries. Before long, it was 2 p.m. and I had a work project to finish. I completed the writing, then took Michael to baseball practice. After not wanting to put in much extra practice all season, he suddenly wanted to get some hitting in afterward. Someone else was using the field, however, so we just went home. After dinner, I took the dog on a long walk that included a short jaunt through Wasatch Hollow.

The boys have only two days of school remaining. I'm already planning keeping up with all the things they have scheduled, as well as all the leisure ahead.


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