Summer 2016: Day 25

Let the fun begin!

School ended Friday, and today was the official first day of the summer routine. Camps, swim practice, working in odd chunks and outside as much as possible (I need to chart how many hours I work this summer barefoot) -- this is what our summer looks like. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ben had swim practice at 7 a.m. Though waking up for these practices is tough, I love getting an early jump on my workday. Michael had basketball camp at 10, followed by Ben at noon. Michael had swim practice at 5:45, and again, I was by the pool working (but under the canopy -- the sun had disappeared and I was thinking a little that it might rain. I took the dog for a long walk in the evening.

The rest of the week will be equally busy. Again, I wouldn't have it any other way.


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