Summer 2016: Days 42-46

The heat broke a little bit yesterday and we were able to open the windows overnight, but it was hot again today. Here's a synopsis of the past few days:

Wednesday:Ben was tired and didn't go to swim practice today, but he did go to basketball camp, as did Michael. The pool felt good in the early evening.

Thursday: The Rocky Mountain Showcase started today, and Michael's team won 43-28; he posted 4 points and 9 rebounds. His jumper is a little off -- he might be having a growth spurt (we've seen this before with him: he shoots up a half-inch and every shot sails long). Popcorn threw up today -- we think she's been eating grass and it's upsetting her stomach. Ben and I walked to the H Rock in the evening to watch the sunset.

Friday: Two more games of the tournament, with Michael's team losing both, though he played well in the first game (9 points, 10 rebounds). Ben and I started a game of Risk on the patio table that we couldn't finish.

Saturday: Michael finished the tournament with a victory and some big stats (8 points, 12 rebounds), then got asked to play with another team from his club -- he was tired but did all right, and helped the squad with some much-needed height. Ben and I finished our risk game (I won), then played Othello, Blokus Trigon, and Cribbage outside. We walked for snow-cones in between. Popcorn was feeling better. We got Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner.

Sunday: I did Body Pump, Michael had a basketball workout, Lori swam some laps, and Ben helped the lifeguards in the morning. After a quick jump in the pool, we headed home for a chill afternoon. Lori and Michael went to Costco, and we are stocked for the next few weeks. I went to Smith's and REI, then grilled burgers for dinner. After watching the first day of the Olympic swim trials, Popcorn and I got out for a walk.


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