Summer 2016: Days 34-37

Yes, a few days have passed since I posted. A few busy, tiring days. Wednesday was a standard work/shuttle-kids-around day. Thursday was similar: Ben's last day of the Highland basketball camp and first day of a swim meet, and swim and basketball practice for Michael. On Friday, I took Ben to his swim meet's morning session, then we all went to the meet in the evening. He was only swimming one race (50 back) and did well. We went to Tonyburger for dinner.

Today was different. Michael and I played in a golf outing for his club basketball team's scholarship fund. We had fun, though neither of us hit particularly well at Mountain Dell (we were paired with an eighth-grader who was uncorking 280-yard drives, he saved us for sure). We got home and I napped for two hours. The long week had finally caught up with me. We went to Ben's swim meet in the evening, where he swam two final races. For dinner, as an early Father's Day meal, we went to Lone Star, where I got my favorite Utah burrito (which no one else in my family seems to like as much).


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