Summer 2017: Day 73, Vacation Day 5

A bit of a transition day: We departed Chicago for a few days in Milwaukee. I did go for a long walk into the forest preserve in the morning while the boys, who got to go to the beach yesterday, went kayaking at Skokie Lagoons today with my dad. It rained hard off and on today, and unfortunately, it was way on when we visited Marquette in the afternoon. I wanted to show the boys the campus, but instead we simply hung out in the spirit shop. We headed over to Croatian Soccer Park for my sister-in-law's wedding rehearsal, then went to Kopp's for diner.

Tonight, we are staying with a good friend we knew from Madison who owns a place on the East Side. I'm on the porch, enjoying the cool evening, and finally getting some writing done. Clouds are speeding by, and I think it will rain again.


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