Summer 2017: Day 78, Vacation Day 10

Today the boys and I ventured downtown. We took the train to Union Station and walked toward Michigan Avenue. The wonder of downtown Chicago is not lost on Ben, who marveled at how "beautiful" it looked (obviously overlooking the smell ...). Downtown Chicago does have a certain appeal to it for someone who spent his whole life in Utah. I still love it and I grew up here. Our destination was the Art Institute.

Our time at the museum was incredible. I hadn't been to the Art Institute since, wow, maybe 1993 when Lori and I went. And for some reason, I don't remember seeing as much art as we did this time. I have no recollection of the Jackson Pollaks, the Georgia O'Keefes, the Picassos and the Matisses -- only Mary Cassat and the impressionists. We started with a Gaugin exhibit, then wound our way through 20th century American artists, the impressionists, medieval armor (that was fun), contemporary artists, and the surrealists and post-impressionists. After three hours, we still hadn't got to everything (missing renaissance and photography) but had to leave to meet up with Lori at Susy's office. After a quick visit to Dunkin' Donuts, the four of us headed back to Edgebrook.

The evening was spent with Mike and John and SuperDawg. I used the last hour of my day to relax on the front porch, listening to music. This is what vacation is all about.


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