Summer 2017: Day 74, Vacation, Day 6

Today was our first full day in Wisconsin with the kids. Summer vacation, winter temperatures -- just like Wisconsin ...

We took the boys to Ma Fischer's on the East Side for breakfast. The skies were overcast and a little rainy, and the temperature couldn't be above 60 degrees. This far cry from what we experience in Utah summers didn't dampen the boys' spirits; they ate and attacked the day. From the restaurant, we visited Lori's old high school. She just wanted to pass by initially, but then asked if she could take us inside her old stomping grounds. I've never been inside Rufus King -- it's an old high school for sure. Lori enjoyed the memories, and Ben did too; Michael smiled politely and followed the tour, being more surprised by the old water fountains.

After going to Kohl's, we drove along the lake back into the city. We were a smidge frantic getting ready for Lisa's wedding, but it turned out no one from the wedding party was really on time either. The wedding was fun. Lisa's niece Dakota officiated and was nervous/choked up. Ben danced like crazy. The skies never opened up, and eventually it even warmed up (after the wind died down). Lori and I took the boys to stay with the grandparents at the hotel, and we headed back into the city. 


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