A plan and a plot

One of my bigger regrets lately is I'm so far off the writing train. I work with words all day that I get to the evening and don't have the mental energy to pound out several hundred more words. Yet, I know I should be blogging, pursuing the side blog I never seem to find time for, and get the fiction I want to write out of my brain and onto a Word document. I was lamenting this to my boss yesterday, and he came up with the most sage advice/encouragement that I needed to hear (and I'm paraphrasing here):

"Before you look at your emails every day, take some time to write. The emails can wait 30 minutes."

So that's the new plan, a new course to plot: Writing every morning instead of the afternoon. Everything else can wait a few minutes longer. I already turn the computer on after dinner to finish up the work day amid the crazy busy schedule. Just like exercise, the me time is just as important -- and just as detrimental to miss.

Therefore, I'm taking 10 minutes this morning to write this post. I'm hoping this strategy makes the rest of the day more dynamic -- the creativity before the creativity, so to speak. And I'm hoping it becomes a habit.


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