Break over

Our family has a busy schedule with school, sports, and work. For a few weeks every March, that schedule takes a little break.

Break over. Here comes the next crush.

Michael had a three-week break from his club basketball team. Although he was playing with his future high school's eighth-grade team, that was just one practice a week. That break is over. His feeder team begins games this week, his club team resumed practice, and he's playing in the first of many tournaments next week.

Ben is wrapping a month-long break from swim meets that ends next week. I'm coaching his rec soccer team again, and that has started up for the spring.

There was no work break. We went to Pocatello for a basketball tournament for Ben a few weeks ago, and that was the only day off.

Spring is always crazy but always encouraging because the weather is warmer and summer is just around the corner. Ben isn't playing baseball, so that gives us a little respite, but that also takes away the opportunity to get out outside and enjoy the spring.

Ready or not, spring is here. It's going to be great, and but I won't be able to confirm that until sometime around Memorial Day ...


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