
About seven weeks to summer, and my goal is to lose weight before then. I'm thoroughly chunky at the moment, and it feels like too much is conspiring against me.

I should say, I'm my own worst enemy. Working indoors, mindlessly munching is too easy. Grabbing something to eat when I'm not quite hungry has been too easy. Making a sandwich when I should opt for something with less carbs has been too easy. I felt like I ate better last week, but ultimately, I need to track calories -- it seems the only way I truly stick to not eating stupid. But ... I get lazy with the calorie tracking, even though it's just on my phone. Ridiculous, I know, because every time I've been super diligent with this strategy, I've lost weight.

The busy schedule isn't helping. Yesterday we had sporting events spread out all day. I was good about not eating until about 11 (intermittent fasting works for me as well), had Arby's for lunch and thought I was good ... but the Little Caesar's that Michael wanted after his basketball game was a little too alluring. A few pieces is several hundred calories and, well, you can do the math from there.

Work has been nutty, and you know, when the tasks start piling up, turning to snacks to make it through is too easy as well. I'll work at coffee shops but always feel I need to buy a little food to warrant me being their for hours.

Finally, I haven't been able to turn on the exercise button as I would have hoped to by now. I've been getting Popcorn out for longer walks, which is better than nothing, but not enough in this quest.

So does Monday start the big charge toward summer? The I'm-going-to-take-my-shirt-off-in-front-of-other-people initiative? I said it last week, and it felt like I did well, but as I type this up tonight, I still feel chunky (despite the fact I did make a salad with dinner). For the first time in a while, I'm not in a rush for summer ...

But yes, Monday does start it over. A little more exercise, a commitment to tracking the calories and not eating dumb, and a positive outlook. I can do this.


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