Coronavirus Chronicles: The month of May

A week has passed since I blogged last, and here we are on Day 51. Some paced steps of normalcy started up again over the past few days, but we're choosing to honor the social distancing recommendations. We may break a little to get haircuts (under controlled rules by the woman who cuts our hair), and the boys are going to the dentist this week. But otherwise, business as usual as May, my favorite month of the year, kicks into full gear.

Last week was an intense blur -- hours of challenging writing for work, which drained my will to blog (although I did publish a post on my sports parenting blog). And then this weekend zipped by before I knew what to do with myself. Michael and I did get some more yardwork done, and Ben and I went for a long walk tonight. This upcoming week will be much less intense for work, and working outside last week was wonderful. Summer is approaching, and even if it might be a little hampered by the pandemic, it still will be so welcomed.

That said, there's no rush to get through May ...


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